Backpacking 11 months around the world, from one sacred place to another, discovering and collecting legends and tales...
This is the solo challenge and pedagogic project that I set up with my pupils from Collège Jean Giono, Nice (France) and nourished during the journey through this blog.
I wish you a pleasant browsing!
Jaume Pensa is the Spanish artist who transformed "Place Masséna".
There are seven statues representing the seven continents. That work of art is beautiful and original because the statues change colours at night. They seem to communicate and watch over the passers-by.
Jean Giletta (Levens 1856 - Nice 1933) is considered to be the first reporter-photographer of the French Riviera. His technique was to put everything in a box. He was a witness of his time and of its changes. He published many postcards.
The 3°1 wrote about the urban changes in Nice since Giletta and the arrival of the tramway this year:
There used to be a casino. It was destroyed during the second world war.
There was already a tramway in Nice, place Massena.
The restaurant "La Réserve" still exists. There used to be a boat and a balcony where people came to look at the sea.
With the arrival of the tramway, the city of Nice has changed: the first line has become an open-air museum of modern art. You can see this street lamp next to the university of Saint Jean d'Angely. It is composed of different lamps, made of different colours, different shapes and different materials. Some look old, and the other parts look modern. It is very strange! This hybrid street lamp was made by P. Pinaud and S. Magnin.
The solar disc catches sun rays during the day. When the night falls, it shines and changes colours. It's an original concept and a beautiful invention. These colour changes remind us of the statues on Place Masséna. This piece of art was made by A. Leccia, on the Comte de Falicon building.
"Porte Fausse" is a big door between the old town and the modern one. It was redecorated by Sarkis, a Turkish artist. He used gold and marble. This passageway is very special because people can leave messages or postcards on a tray. "Porte Fausse" is an original door and we like it because it's a beautiful transition between the old town and the new town. In fact, we can say that, in Nice we can find two towns.
"The confident" : in a closed eden garden, two benches separated by a screen made of alumium rings... People can communicate and see each other through the hole, in the middle of the screen. The artist is J-M. Othoniel and his work of art is in the "Square Doyen Jean Lépine". We think it's ingenious and beautiful.
La photo est "vivante" ! Bienvenue dans notre Nice miniature en 3 D !... Les élèves de 3°1 ont créé à travers et autour de la photo en disposant une photographie sur un présentoir vertical, en papier rigide.
Voici donc leurs oeuvres et leurs commentaires !
We worked on "Place Masséna" with the tramway in perspective.
Lise, Debora, Manon
We took photos of "Place Masséna". There was a homeless, so we decided to draw "Place Masséna" and add a composition with coffee, snails, litter... to make it very dirty.
Maud, Sabrina, Rime
When we walk in Nice, we see a lot of dog excrement, so we wanted to show how dirty Nice is.
Anissa, Houria
We invented a new city with the tramway.
Dino, Arseit, Jean-Philippe, Raphael
We made a stadium because we like football. We added the anthem "Nissa La Bella"! Kevin, Timy, Nicolas
I took a picture on the computer and I widened it on a box.
Click here to watch the video "Place Massena Flash Dance" made by Caroline, Cindy and Mélissa!
Dans le monde entier, il n'est personne qui sache autant d'histoires que Ole Ferme-l'œil. Lui, il sait raconter... Vers le soir, quand les enfants sont assis sagement à table ou sur leur petit tabouret, Ole Ferme-l'œil arrive, il monte sans bruit l'escalier - il marche sur ses bas - il ouvre doucement la porte et pfutt ! il jette du lait doux dans les yeux des enfants, un peu seulement, mais assez cependant pour qu'ils ne puissent plus tenir les yeux ouverts ni par conséquent le voir ; il se glisse juste derrière eux et leur souffle dans la nuque, alors leur tête devient lourde, lourde - mais ça ne fait aucun mal, car Ole Ferme-l'œil ne veut que du bien aux enfants - il veut seulement qu'ils se tiennent tranquilles, et ils le sont surtout quand on les a mis au lit. Quand les enfants dorment, Ole Ferme-l'œil s'assied sur leur lit. Il est bien habillé, son habit est de soie, mais il est impossible d'en dire la couleur, il semble vert, rouge ou bleu selon qu'il se tourne, il tient un parapluie sous chaque bras, l'un décoré d'images et celui-là il l'ouvre au-dessus des enfants sages qui rêvent alors toute la nuit des histoires ravissantes, et sur l'autre parapluie il n'y a rien. Il l'ouvre au-dessus des enfants méchants, alors ils dorment si lourdement que le matin en s'éveillant ils n'ont rien rêvé du tout. Et maintenant nous allons vous dire comment Ole Ferme-l'œil, durant toute une semaine, vint tous les soirs chez un petit garçon qui s'appelait Hjalmar. Cela fait en tout sept histoires puisqu'il y a sept jours dans la semaine.